Sunday, February 4

order and distractions

I've begun some progress on personal goals, and I am proud of that.
Now, persistence and perseverance start being a factor. We're on my turf; ready for round 2.

I have been watching too much TV. I tried to excuse it before as "background noise" while I work or read, or multitask. But at best it has kept my mood lifted, and at worst took time from making progress on other personal goals. Time to scale back on this habit. It starts to feel like I'm trying to get over an addiction. But if that's the perspective it takes to deal with this... then 'bring it on.'

On the realm of purpose and life-goals, some-sort-of-an event happened. Like a fleeting light in a dark cave, when you think you see a way out, a small shaft of
light. No matter how far it is, how high it is. It is light. It merits more thinking, and more reading.

Despite earlier urges to either go to Europe or Japan/Korea,
I've decided to stay in singapore during the Chinese New Year. I realized better priorities were elsewhere for the time being.

And a picture from my photos, entitled 'Light of my way':

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