Saturday, October 20

Interrupting our regularly scheduled debate... for a "fun fact"

I wanted to keep the debate post up for a few days... to let visitors leave their thoughts. But urgent news has just come in, and I must bear them out to all those who visit my blog.

JK Rowling has just admitted, in an auditorium full of children in New York, that her created character Albus Dumbledore is gay (homosexual, not they happy/jolly 'gay').

Check out the BBC News Link:

If you want to leave a comment about this, instead of the debate. Feel obliged. :)


Mahogany said...
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Mahogany said...

How delightfully irrelevant. Who would have thought that the sexual orientation of an imaginary person would have such social significance? But since we are on the subject, I suspect that the Cheshire Cat was gay too.

amileforeveryshoe said...

Irrelevant, yes. Highly amusing, definitely. Which is why I took to sharing the news.

Puts a new spin to... what Dumbledore really saw in the mirror of erised. :D

amileforeveryshoe said...

Mahogany -- you've just brought up a brilliant "drinking conversation" idea. When drunk and losing topics to discuss, bring up talk about fictional characters you think are gay, and why -- asking everyone to add one name each

Mahogany said...

That is a seriously good drinking game. I'll assume that Lgolas/Gimli and Frodo/Sam are too obvious to be permitted. So I'm going to go with ... the donkey in Shrek. And don't get me started on the pathetic cover-up that he attempted. A donkey pretending to get jiggy with a dragon is quite an insult to our intelligences.