Tuesday, October 16

The procrastinator's hour

One of the greatest burdens I've carried is a seemingly natural tendency to procrastinate. It's my addiction -- my alcohol, my cocaine, my vice. I either find it extremely hard to admit, hence fooling myself that I'm productive, or extremely easy to dismiss, hence not understanding how it rots inside of me.

Of the many books I own and bought, over half have not been read through.
A few that have, I haven't finished beyond chapter 5.

I love cooking new dishes on weekends. Always a new asian dish every time. However, frozen left-overs litter my fridge, all the way from 3 weeks ago.

I've become interested in starting half a dozen hobbies in the past 3 months alone - guitar playing, amateur photography, blogging, updating my "net 2.0" accounts. I've got the guitar, the camera, the blog, and a reliable internet connection. The strength to see it through? Oops. Forgot that.

Not to mention what happens at work.

It is easy to get caught up 'seemingly busy', with a life full of distractions and to do's. The art of choosing and following through is never taught in the classroom. Frost is lucky he chose a road at all, well traveled or not. My sin is being stuck at the crossings.

It takes an equally insane idea to remedy and equally tough habit. I am starting a 'Procrastinator's Hour' -- 10:00pm to 11:00pm every night. The rule: I am obligated to do something during this hour that I have put off in the past. Begin a book. Finish a book. Practice the guitar. Do that exercise I skipped in the morning. Anything I had previously said I had no time to do.

DAY#1 (Today): Begin blogging again.

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